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Eligibility For Da Vinci Hysterectomy If You Have Gynecological Cancer

by Bonnie Gordon

A da Vinci hysterectomy is much less invasive than a traditional hysterectomy. If you have been diagnosed with ovarian, uterine, vaginal, or fallopian cancer, you may be able to have this minimally invasive procedure if your cancer is in the early stages.

Da Vinci hysterectomies are performed using robotic technology and three dimensional high definition imaging of your reproductive system. The surgeons can make either one incision through your belly button or three small incisions through your abdomen. These types of hysterectomies have a much faster recovery time.

A da Vinci hysterectomy is a great option if you are eligible. Your doctor will make the final decision, but you may be eligible if you fit the following criteria:

Your cancer is in the early stages

If your cancer is small and has not spread to your lymph nodes, you may be a good candidate for a da Vinci hysterectomy. Your cancer will have received a diagnosis of Stage 0 or Stage 1 if to be considered in an early stage.

You are not significantly overweight

Being overweight increases the risks of any surgery. However, if you don't have any health conditions besides obesity, it is likely that you can still be a candidate for a da Vinci hysterectomy. Da Vinci surgery is often used during weight loss procedures on obese patients with less risk than traditional surgical methods.

You have a healthy heart and lungs

You may not be eligible if you have cardiac or respiratory issues. Da Vinci surgeries require that the patient be under for a longer period of time, which may pose too high of a risk for sufferers of heart or pulmonary disease.

You have not had previous abdominal surgeries

If you have abdominal mesh or have had a hernia repaired, you may not be eligible. The scar tissue may make a da Vinci hysterectomy too difficult.

Da Vinci surgery is less invasive, but it is more of a delicate procedure. Patients undergoing a da Vinci hysterectomy will endure a longer surgery and will be under anesthesia for a longer period of time than a traditional hysterectomy. This can be an added risk if you have any other health conditions besides cancer.

Robotic surgery is here to stay and will continue to improve surgical procedures. With less scarring, shorter recovery times, and the ability to perform long and difficult surgeries with less risk of surgeon fatigue or hand shaking, the da Vinci method is worth considering as part of your treatment plan.
