how helpful health care clinics can be

  • When Should You Test Yourself For A Gluten Allergy?

    15 July 2015

    Gluten intolerance and the gluten-free lifestyle have been headline news for years now—however, many Americans still know very little about this condition. With 18 million Americans (or nearly 1 in 20 people) now showing some type of gluten sensitivity, it's possible that you or a loved one is affected by this intolerance, and you may not even know it. Gluten sensitivities don't always manifest themselves through digestive discomforts—you might have sore or achy joints, headaches, or even dizziness and confusion.

  • What To Bring To An Inpatient Rehabilitation Center

    14 July 2015

    Signing up to go into an inpatient rehabilitation center for any mental disease or addiction can be terrifying. You are planning on isolating yourself from your friends and family, as well as from any unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to do one of the hardest jobs that anyone can do: get well. One way to reduce the stress of the transition is to make sure that you bring the right items to rehab with you.

  • Factors To Consider When Choosing Your Child's Doctor

    13 July 2015

    There are several types of health care providers that can deal with a young child's health needs. Here are some of the questions that you should ask in order to determine your ideal care provider.  Choosing a Doctor or a Pediatrician Many parents will debate whether they should choose a family doctor or a pediatrician for their child. There are some benefits to each one. A family doctor can be convenient, as you and your children can be seen by the same health care providers.

  • The Trouble With Toes: What To Expect From Achilles Tendon Surgery For Toe Walkers

    10 July 2015

    Toe walking is a common symptom of Autism spectrum disorders. It is a physical condition where children on the spectrum walk primarily on their toes, keeping their heels off the floor. This type of step can hinder the child's natural Achilles tendon growth. The tendon connects the heel to the calf muscle, so if it's tight or short, it can make it hard or painful to walk properly. If your child is facing treatment for a short Achilles tendon, it's helpful to understand what's ahead.