24 February 2022
Once you move out of your parents' home and into a place of your own, you take on the burden of keeping yourself healthy and safe. You cannot rely on your parents to figure out what is wrong with you and recommend whether or not you should see a doctor. To keep yourself as healthy as possible, you need to find a doctor in your area that is accepting new patients.
7 December 2021
Hemorrhoids or piles refer to a mass of swollen veins, muscle, and connective tissues in the rectum or anus. External hemorrhoids stick out of the anus while internal hemorrhoids remain within the anus. The symptoms include discomfort and bleeding in the anal area. Hemorrhoids can negatively affect the quality of your life, and you will require hemorrhoidectomy treatment fast. Here are FAQs to help you understand all about the hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure.
12 October 2021
If you have started to hear about other women opting for BlioTE pellet therapy, you might start to wonder if this would be a good option for you as well. Those who seek such types of therapy are going with the goal of getting their hormone levels regulated. With hormone regulation comes a lot of great benefits, such as: Balanced Estrogen Levels There is a lot more to estrogen levels than what many people think.
18 June 2021
When a loved one is diagnosed with anorexia, you may feel a mixture of emotions. You're sad that they're struggling with such a serious condition. You're probably quite worried about them, and you might even be a bit angry that they can't see themselves the way you see them. It's not always easy to know how to be there for someone who is struggling with an eating disorder, but wanting to help is a great first step.
16 December 2020
When you have been suffering with a variety of health symptoms for a while, it can be a relief to finally get a diagnosis from a medical professional. However, if you have been diagnosed with lupus, you may find yourself confused and unsure of what is going on. Most people know very little about lupus, an autoimmune disease that affects many people worldwide. Get to know some of the facts about lupus and its treatment.
29 September 2020
Unfortunately, the number of electrocution cases in the US is high: there are around 30,000 shock cases or more in the US every year, resulting in burns and other injuries. A thousand deaths are reported yearly due to high voltage electrical shocks or lightning issues. An electrical shock from a low-voltage source may not immediately require emergency care, but you should still seek electrical shock care if there are serious symptoms following the injury.
10 June 2020
An eating disorder is a medical condition that affects millions of people, but yet, it is a condition that often seems to escape attention. This condition is sometimes ignored because people do not see it, but often, it is because people do not want to address it. In fact, it is often a challenge to bring up the idea of treatment to a spouse or partner. However, your ability to make your voice heard is very important to the wellbeing of the one you love.